
Bible Study 1

As part of my food art journal, I am also including a Bible study to add in the spiritual element that is so important to me. As I get closer to God, through the study of his word, I will begin to fully understand the importance of taking care of my body. The following is taken from my journal:

August 9, 2011 at 1:30 pm
Bible Study 1: 1 Corinthians 3:16-17
"Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are."

Those two verses say it all! Everytime I shove food excessively into my body I am destroying the temple of God! I never thought of my overeating to be sinning but it is. I've never asked for forgiveness after leaving a buffet or downing a gallon of ice cream! Today, I ask for God's forgiveness for treating His temple like garbage. I will strive to do God's will by eating only for nourishment, not pleasure.

My body is His temple! And it's time for a renovation!

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