
Food Art Journal: The Beginning

I'm starting over once again. I'm fighting a losing battle right now, and I've decided to take a stand... I'm done with "diets," a permenant change is due to combat my serious weight issue. I decided that the most important factor in my eating/exercise habits is my own mind. The fact that I have zero self-control or will to exercise plays a huge role in how I look and feel. If it's all about the mind, then why haven't I addressed my mind and feelings before? It was all about counting, measuring, hoping...

From Mixed Media Art Journal

I started doing mixed media art journaling about four months ago. I LOVE IT!! It's not just a hobby anymore, it truly is becoming one of my passions! Mixed media artwork is amazing to me. What is it? For those of you missing the craze... it's just basically taking several types of media: paint, ink, stamps, paper, stains, and whatever else you want to put in a book and creating beautiful artwork (no, it has nothing to do with DVDs or Reporters). I take this type of art and create a journal. I learned how to art journal through Christy Tomlinson's "She Had Three Hearts" workshop (http://www.christytomlinson.typepad.com/).

From Mixed Media Art Journal

I have decided to combine art journaling with food journaling in my latest crusade to change my body! I want to share my journey with you. I want to inspire people to make changes in their own lives. I think that this idea is cutting edge. It's not a diet at all... it's a journey documented in one of the most creative ways possible. Not every page has art on it, in fact most of it is old school journaling, pen to notebook paper. But every now and then I'm going to do a mixed media page to spice things up. I will not share all of my entries, because some of them are just too personal... but I will give you a glimpse into my journey in hopes that some of you will join me to change the way we eat and live.

From Mixed Media Art Journal

Also, know that I fully intend to put videos and things like that on here, it's just that I do not have a really good camera yet. One day!! One day!

Bible Study 1

As part of my food art journal, I am also including a Bible study to add in the spiritual element that is so important to me. As I get closer to God, through the study of his word, I will begin to fully understand the importance of taking care of my body. The following is taken from my journal:

August 9, 2011 at 1:30 pm
Bible Study 1: 1 Corinthians 3:16-17
"Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are."

Those two verses say it all! Everytime I shove food excessively into my body I am destroying the temple of God! I never thought of my overeating to be sinning but it is. I've never asked for forgiveness after leaving a buffet or downing a gallon of ice cream! Today, I ask for God's forgiveness for treating His temple like garbage. I will strive to do God's will by eating only for nourishment, not pleasure.

My body is His temple! And it's time for a renovation!